At Skinny’s Workshop in Bowen Hills. Film supply, dev and scan MFS.
Kodak Vision 3 500T, Canon A1, Canon 50mm f/1.4.
Kodak Vision 3 200T, Canon A1, Canon 50mm f1.4
At Skinny’s Workshop in Bowen Hills. Film supply, dev and scan MFS.
Kodak Vision 3 500T, Canon A1, Canon 50mm f/1.4.
Kodak Vision 3 200T, Canon A1, Canon 50mm f1.4
Using Kodak bwXX (5222), tri-colour or ‘technicolor’ process, with Red, Green and Blue pop filters. Using a combination of 3 filters, capturing the full spectrum of white light.
The final image. R filtered image - Red Channel, Green filtered image - Green Channel and Blue filtered image - Blue Channel.
A sunny day, a cool breeze, some great friends and a roll of Kodak Gold 200 (at +1). All shot on my Canon A1 with the Canon 50mm f/1.4. Making use of the setting sun. Dev and scans by Shibui Film on the Gold Coast.